5 Ways Amazon is Changing the Manufacturing Industry Forever (And What To Do About It)


  • Amazon has set online shopping customer experience standards for B2B companies

  • B2B professionals want the came online shopping experience as B2C

  • Manufacturers should invest in eCommerce and fulfillment solutions to stay ahead of the industry and customer needs

Procurement professionals and B2B buyers now expect high levels of customer service, shipment visibility, and an enjoyable checkout experience when purchasing products and materials from suppliers. In fact, companies are switching suppliers for a more consumer-like experience, with "free" shipping, instant order visibility and tracking, predictive shopping, and more.

The Amazon Effect has already impacted companies across multiple industries and paved the way for a new way of thinking.

How can manufacturers, distributors, and suppliers improve their supply chain customer experience? What are practical examples and strategies to create an eCommerce buying experience like Amazon? How can we plan for and adapt to so we can stay ahead of the competition?

Watch the video below.


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